Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Temper Tantrum Triggers – “I Want To Do It My Way!”

Temper tantrums can be enough to send you right over the edge! Some moms and dads sometimes get to the stage where they feel as if they just cannot go on. Sometimes children’s temper tantrums go way off the scale of what you can even imagine. Take it from someone who has seen lots of temper tantrums in his life!

As a licensed psychologist and parenting expert, I help suffering moms and dads to put a brake on these temper tantrums. It is usually best to stop the tantrums early, before they get to the point of no return.

Now, there are all sorts of temper tantrums – from the tiny little outbursts to the overblown, full-on explosion-type temper tantrum. But my experience has shown me that there are just a small number of actual triggers which can bring on all of these different volumes of temper tantrums.

With these extreme tantrums, your patience will be tested beyond limit. Even worse, these sorts of temper tantrums can hurt your family and your child - if they are not dealt with in the correct manner.

As soon as you start to understand these temper tantrum triggers and get the parenting tools that you need, you will find that it gets easier to teach your child to get their emotions under control. Then, in time, the temper tantrums will begin to fade…and then disappear completely from your lives.

One of the biggest triggers of a temper tantrum in children is:


I think that all of you moms and dads will all recognize this tantrum trigger!

The ‘I WANT TO DO IT MY WAY!’ Temper Tantrum Trigger takes all kinds of shapes and forms. For some kids it might mean wanting to walk by themselves rather than holding your hand. Others might want to run around the house naked rather than getting dressed. For others, this means stomping out of the doctor’s office and having a temper tantrum rather than going through with their appointment.

Now, of course there are situations where it is completely fine to allow your son or daughter to do things their own way. But, in a world where parents have been encouraged to give their children choices, many parents have mistakenly allowed their children too much control.

And this is the problem here. Sometimes, kids who tantrum have been given too many choices in life. And so now, when they don’t get their own way, they react by working themselves into a temper tantrum.

When your child learns that you give in to their wishes time after time, they start to believe that they are in charge of things. As time goes on, this will always create serious problems as soon as pre-school or elementary school begins or other expectations are put on your child.

I often remind parents that children simply cannot know what is best for them. If they did then mom and dad would serve no role as parents…other than offering them:

* A roof over their head
* A credit card as soon as they know how to use one
* Some supportive wishes along the lines of, “I’m sure you know what is best, sweetheart. Of course you don’t have to go to school today if you don’t want to! Just have a temper tantrum instead!”

Well, of course, this is just madness gone mad. You can’t let the temper tantrum put your child in charge.

So, here is the thing you need to understand with this temper tantrum trigger:

Constantly giving in to your child’s way of doing things is only storing up problems for the future. Sometimes you need to stand firm and make them do things your way.

Otherwise, you’ve got a whole lifetime of temper tantrums ahead of you!

To know more about temper tanrums visit How To Stop temper Tantrums now!

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